Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work |
Study Guides
Practical training with a major in Social Pedagogy: resource book [Head of Norm. Group: B. I. Kovbas; normalized by: R. V. Zozuliak, L. I. Berezovska, I. V. Kulyk, H. I. Lemko, H. Y. Mykhailyshyn, R. A. Petryshyn, N. V. Sabat]. – Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2015. – 186 p.
Programs, Guidelines
Kulyk I. V. Rehabilitation Pedagogy: Guidelines / I. V. Kulyk. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – 50 p.
Kulyk I. V. Working Program of Educational and Informative Practice in the Guardianship Institutions for the II-nd Course Students with Major in Social Pedagogy: Guidelines / I. V. Kulyk. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – 36 p.
Kulyk I. V. Social work with different groups of population: guidelines for the students majoring in 6.130102 Social Work / I. V. Kulyk. – Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2016. – 68 p.
Kulyk I. V. Consulting Fundamentals: Guidelines / I. V. Kulyk. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018. – 92 p.
Kulyk I. V. Social Conflictology and Partnership: Guidelines / I. V. Kulyk. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018. – 68 p.
Articles in the Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine
Kulyk I. named after Humanism as a Factor in Bringing-up the Culture of Family Relationships in the Primary Schoolchildren / I. named after Kulyk // Collection of research papers. Pedagogical Sciences. – Kherson: KhDU Pub. H., 2006. – Ed. 41. – p. 172-176.
Kulyk I. named after The Study of the Level of Family Relationships Culture Formation in the Students of 1-4 Classes of Boarding Schools in Extra-curricular Activities / I. named after Kulyk // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. Ed. ХХІІ-ХХІІІ. – p. 277-284.
Kulyk I. V. Pedagogical Cooperation of the Boarding Schools Teachers-Educators and Pupils’ Relatives in the Formation of the Basics of Family Relations Culture in the Junior Schoolchildren (based on extracurricular materials) / I. V. Kulyk // Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 16. Teacher’s Creative Personality: Problems of the Theory and Practice: Collection of Scientific Works / Ed. coll. N. V. Huziy and oth. – Ed. 11 (21). – K.: Pub. H. NPU after M. P. Drahomanov, 2010. – p. 215-219.
Kulyk I. V. Upbringing Junior Students of the Boarding Schools on the Family Traditions of Ukrainian People / I. V. Kulyk // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. – Ed. ХХХІ. – p. 153-158.
Kulyk I. V. Formation of the Readiness to the Family Life in the Boarding Schools Pupils / I. V. Kulyk // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. – Ed. ХХХVІ. – p. 149-153.
Kulyk I. V. Socialization Peculiarities in the Talented Student Youth in Higher Educational Establishments / I. V. Kulyk // Comparative Pedagogy in the Context of International Cooperation and European Integration: coll. of materials of V int. scient. and pract. conf., Brest, May 19-20, 2011: in 2 c. – Brest: BrHU, 2011. – C.2. – p. 148-153.
Kulyk I. V. Preparing Elementary School Teachers to Work with the Pupils of Boarding Schools on Forming the Culture of Family Relationships / I. V. Kulyk // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. – Ed. XL – p. 119-122.
Kulyk I. Impact of the Boarding School Conditions on the Child Socialization / І. Kulyk // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. – Ed. XLІІ – p.121-124.
Kulyk I. V. Christian Ethics as a Means to Form High Moral Values among High School Students / I. V. Kulyk // Scientific notes. Psychology and Pedagogy Series. – Ostroh: Publishing House of the National University Ostroh Academy, 2012. – Ed. 21, p. 247-255.
Kulyk I. V. The Role of the Family in the Process of Talented Children Socialization / I. V. Kulyk // Pedagogical and Social Support for the Talented Children and Youth / Ed. O. Bocharova and Y. Axman. – Krakow Academy named after Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, 2013. – p. 263-268.
Kulyk I. V. The Ways to Improve the Sex and Role Upbringing Effectiveness in the Younger Pupils of the Boarding School / І. Kulyk // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – Ed. 50 – p.103-107.
Kulyk I. V. Forming Professional Competence in the Future Social Pedagogues in the Process of Studying at Universities / I. V. Kulyk // Developing a Professional and Professionalism: Theory and Practice : coll. of scient. works. / ed. by S. P. Arkhypova. – Cherkasy: SP Hordiienko Ye. I., 2014. – p. 173-176
Kulyk I. V. Legal Support Fundamentals in the Social Support for the Graduates of Boarding Institutions / I. V. Kulyk // Scientific Bulletin Ed. 739. Pedagogy and Psychology. – Chernivtsi: Chern. Nat. Un. 2015. – p. 86-93
Kulyk I. V. Peculiarities of the Pedagogical Preparation of Junior High School Students to Perform the Social Roles of Husband and Father / I. V. Kulyk // Scientific Bulletin Educational Space of Ukraine State Higher Educational Establishment Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. – Ed. 5. – 2015. – p. 98-103
Kulyk I. V. Social and Psychological Consulting as the Components of Professional Activity in the Field of Social Work / I. V. Kulyk // Collection of scientific works of Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University / Ed. by L. P. Melnyk, V. I. Spivak. – Ed. ХХХVІ. Series: socio-pedagogical. – Kamianets-Podіlsky: Medobory – 2006, 2016. – p. 129-137.
Kulyk I. V. Training as a Tool for Implementing HIV Prevention among Adolescents / I. V. Kulyk, L. Plesh // Educational Space of Ukraine: Scientific Bulletin of State Higher Educational Establishment Precarpathian National University after Vasyl Stafanyk. – 2017. Ed. 10. – p. 129-135
Kulyk I., Komanovska M. Forming Pedagogical Culture of Communication with the Parents of Pupils in the Process of Professional Training in Future Social Pedagogue. Scientific Bulletin Educational Space of Ukraine State Higher Educational Establishment Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. Nr.16. 2019. p. 150-156
The author of more than 70 publications; 60 of them are scientific, 10 have educational and methodical nature, including 36 works published in the last 5 years.
Head of volunteer (production) practice for the students of Pedagogical Faculty majoring in Social Work.
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