Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work |
Didukh Iryna Yaroslavivna graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: in 1996, Program Subject Area “Preschool Education” and obtained qualification “Teacher of Preschool pedagogy and Psychology. Educator” (diploma LB VE №001875); in 1997, Program Subject Area “Psychology. Practical Psychology” and obtained qualification “Practical Psychologist” (diploma VR№016052).
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences since 2013.
The main stages of pedagogical activity in higher education institutions III-IV levels of accreditation:
- 09.2001 – 01.07.2005 – assistant, Department of General and Experimental Psychology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University on a part-time basis;
- 10.2005 – 01.07.2007 – assistant, Department of Theory and Methods of primary education and Department of General and Experimental Psychology on a part-time basis;
- 09.2007 – 31.08.2014 – assistant, Department of Social Pedagogy of Pedagogical Institute.
- 09.2014 – to date – Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Pedagogical Faculty, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
- Volunteering as a means of self-actualization and self-determination of a person. SWorld Journal, Issue No11, Vol.8. Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology (Scientific world, Ivanovo, 2016) – URL: journal/j1108.pdf (November, 2016) – page 86-90 – j1108-022 /Indexed in: RSCI (РИНЦ) SCIENCE INDEX INDEXCOPERNICUS.
Iryna Didukh provides teaching such courses as “Voluntary Work” for first-year students, field of study “Social Work”, and second-year students, field of study “Social Pedagogy”, “Professional Mastery of Social Workers” for third-year students, field of study “Social Work’, “Personality Psychology” for second-year students, field of study “Social Work”, “Personality Psychology” for third-year students, field of study “Social Pedagogy”, “Advertisement and Information Technologies” for fourth-year students, field of study “Social Pedagogy”, “Social Pedagogical Consulting” for third-year students, field of study “Social Work”, “Technologies of Working with Children’s and Non-Governmental Organizations” for fourth-year students, field of study “Social Pedagogy”, “Social Psychological Assistance to the Disabled” for fourth-year students, field of study “Social Work”.
Iryna Didukh runs the volunteering practice for second-year students, field of study “Social Pedagogy” and “Social Work”. Iryna Didukh prepared methodological supply of the main training courses, lecture notes and recommendations for the practical exercises.
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