Zozuliak-Sluchyk Roksolyana

Doctor of pedagogical sciences,

docent the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work


Рersonal informationList of scientific publicationsActivityContacts

Roksolyana Zozuliak-Sluchyk,  Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of social pedagogy and social work, Pedagogical Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

1995 – graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, specialty «Elementary education».

2008 – graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, specialty «Social pedagogy».

2001-2004 – post-graduate student at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

2005 – defended the thesis for the title of Candidate of pedagogical sciences. Since 2005 – associate professor of the Department of social pedagogy at Vasyl Stefanyk  Precarpathian National University .Since 2013 – associate professor of the Department of social pedagogy and social work at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.


The author of over 160 publications on research monographs,  results, including manuals, articles, conference proceedings in the field of social pedagogy, social work, higher education. Namely: educational and methodical manual «The works of Ukrainian writers as a factor in moral education of modern younger schoolchildren», co-author of the textbook labeled with MES of Ukraine «Ethics of social-pedagogical activity», three  manuals, eight guidelines.

          01.07.2010 defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: «Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of formation of professional ethics of future social workers inuniversities».

          Dissertation for a Doctor of Pedagogical Science degree in specialty 13.00.04 «Theory and Methods of Vocational Education». – Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2020.

           From 24.09.2021 Doctor of  рedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and methods of professional education.

  1. Zozulyak-Sluchyk Roksoliana, Kovbas Bogdan Ethics of social-pedagogical activity : teach. tool. Rec. MONMoldsport. Ivano-Frankivsk : Symphony of the Fort, 2011. 212 s.

    2.Zozulak-Słuczyk  Roksolana Elderly people in contemporary Ukrainian society: the socio-cultural aspect. Historical and social               aspects of aging and old age / Editorial by Małgorzata Stawiak-Ososińska. Kielce, 2014. Р. 105–115.

     3. Zozulak-Słuczyk  Roksolana  Conscience as a moral category of ethics of social educator and social worker. Problemes and                     perspectives in European education development : рroceedings of International scientific and practical conference Prague, Czech         Republic, 20–27 of Novemb. 2016. Prague : Institute for Jualification Enhancement, 2016. Р. 174–175.

  1. Zozulak-Słuczyk Ethics as a philosophical and social component of the spiritual sphere of the social worker. Forming of modern educational environment: benefits, risks, implementation mechanisms : materials іnternational scient.-pract. сonf., 29 septemb. 2017 year. Тbilisi, 2017. Р. 52–55.
  2. Zozulak-Słuczyk V. Pedagogical conditions of forminogof future social workersat universities. Scientific Herald of the Institute of vocational education and training of the national academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine. Vocational pedagoge. Kyiv.  2018. No 15. Р. 142–146.
  3. Zozulyak-Sluchyk Roksolyana. Moral categories in the work of social works. Vearbook of Varna university of managemen. 2018. Volume XI. P. 293–298.
  4. Zozulyak-Sluchyk Rоksolyana. Methodical cjncept of formation of professional ethics of future social workers. Modern science – Moderni veda. Praha. 2018. – № 7. – P. 31–37
  5. Zozuliak-Sluchyk Roksoliana. The role of moral categories of ethics of social workers in the work with people of advancfed age. Calozyciowe uczenie i stavanie sie perspektywa teoretyczno-praktyczna / red. A. Chabor, M. Krawczyk-Bicharska, S. Kovalski. Kelce : Uniwersytet Jana Kochanovskego, 2018. P. 575–582
  6. Zozuliak-Sluchyk R.V. Ethics of social work: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2019. 190 p.
  1. Zozuliak-Sluchyk Roksoliana. Pedagogical system for forming professional ethics in future social workers at universities. Scientific Herald of the Institute of vocational education and training of the national academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine. Vocational pedagoge. 2019. No 1(18). P. 37–42.
  2. Zozuliak-Sluchyk R.V. Formation of professional ethics of future social workers in universities: a monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2019. 460 p.

Teaching work Teaching of courses: introduction to the profession, ethics of social pedagogy, ethics of social work,  basics of socialization, technology of social-pedagogical crime prevention, social and pedagogical regulation of  behavioral deviations.Supervises the production practice of 4 th-year students and masters of  the 1 th-year students of specialty «Social work».

E-mail: roksoliana.zozuliak@pnu.edu.ua
Тел: 57-00-05

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University